YSEA Science & Engineering Fair Award Winners 2022-2023

YSEA is pleased to announce the 2022-2023 winners of the Yale Science & Engineering Association’s Award for “Most Outstanding Exhibit in Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, or Chemistry” at regional high school science and engineering fairs in the U.S. and around the world. These fairs are affiliated with the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF).

 This year’s awards went to 216 students from the U.S. and other countries.  Within the United States, 196 awardees represented 172 high schools at 162 fairs in 48 states and territories.  Internationally, 20 awardees represented 16 high schools at 16 fairs in 13 countries.

To see a complete list of our 2022-2023 awardees, visit this page.

To volunteer at a local ISEF-affiliated fair visit the Society for Science Website.

Many thanks to Rick Koster for coordinating the awards for YSEA. 

I attended 2024 Yale Alumni in Energy Conference

Another excellent YAE conference in New Haven. I learned a lot about the cutting edge of Energy policy and innovation.  Thanks to Ed Hirs for organizing. Jeff Katz (YSEA Board member) provided his expertise and experience on ISO’s.

CT YSEA-IEEE Joint Meeting – March 7, 2024

I was able to attend a great joint meeting of YSEA and IEEE CT chapters: pizza and presentations from students participating in CubeSat project.  YSEA host was Jeff Katz.

The Yale CubeSat: A Small Satellite with a NASA Launch Date (March 7, 2024)


Please join us for a special YSEA Connecticut District event in New Haven, featuring the Yale Undergraduate Aerospace Association’s CubeSat project!

You’ll learn about how students will be launching their cosmic ray detector on a NASA rocket!

  • Overall science mission – characterizing cosmic rays in Low Earth Orbit
  • Attitude Determination and Control
  • Gravity Gradient Boom
  • Software
  • Radio – Yale IEEE Student Branch collaboration


The Details:

  • Thursday, March 7, 2024. 6:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Dunham Lab, 10 Hillhouse Avenue, room 220
  • RSVP required to jeffrey.s.katz@aya.yale.edu
  • Follow instructions on door, or student guide if present
  • Pizza will be served
  • Potential five-hour parking along Trumbull Street where it intersects Hillhouse Avenue

PS. The Yale Daily News recently profiled CubeSat’s activities.


Victor Liu BS ’24’s Journal Article Accepted in the Astrophysical Journal

After many months of hard work, my paper was recently accepted into the Astrophysical Journal for publication! It is on the supermassive black hole MCG-5-23-16 and studies of the X-ray emission spectra coming from the photons emitted near the black hole. It will still be a few weeks until the full paper is available, but here is a preprint on the arXiv!

Student Awards Announced

Seniors of Distinction

YSEA SENIORS OF DISTINCTION AWARD recognizes outstanding Yale College seniors who demonstrate excellence Science, Applied Science and Engineering majors.

Science Fair Award

The YSEA SCIENCE FAIR AWARD is given to 11th grade students who present the most outstanding exhibits in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, or Chemistry at regional high school science fairs around the world.

Upcoming Awards Lecture

YSEA Award for Meritorious Service to Yale University

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 12 p.m. ET

You are invited to join the Yale Science and Engineering Association as we present the 2021 Award for Meritorious Service to Yale University to Judith Rodin.

Peter Salovey, President of Yale University and the Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology, will have a fireside chat with Dr. Rodin, President Emerita, University of Pennsylvania. They will discuss their experiences as presidents of Ivy League institutions and the role of science in liberal arts universities.

Milton Young, Chair of YSEA, will serve as the moderator.

Register for the Webinar here.

April Dinner

Save the date! The next YSEA dinner will be on April 20th. We will be hosting special guests and announcing this year’s student award and alumni award winners for YSEA.

Upcoming Awards Lecture


September 29, 12:00 PM EST

YSEA blue people logo

September 29 at 12:00 PM EST: Jerry Chow, winner of the 2021 YSEA AWARD FOR ADVANCEMENT OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCE. At the time of the event, people can join this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83370278915?pwd=S2dBc3hkSUQ4YzdJVG9RZUtMTE9SUT09 

Attention Everyone: We Have New Logos!

After two months of hard work by our amazing intern Luna Aguilar, we now present to you our new YSEA logos!

Drumroll, please…

Here they are!

YSEA blue people logo

“The design of this logo focuses on the human element of YSEA and highlights the fact that most members are Yale alumni. Since the organization’s name does not highlight this alumni connection, this design puts that idea at the forefront. This is present by the various blues that fill out the people which features the Yale Blue on the right and various shades of blue for the other characters. The reasoning for the different shades of blue is to visually represent the uniqueness of the individuals in YSEA. Although all are Yale-affiliated STEM people, everyone majored in different areas of STEM, are in different stages with their Yale education, pursued unique careers, and have experienced different walks of life and this is highlighted and appreciated in the design. The center person has a graduate cap in order to indicate that they are an alumni. The two people in the back do not have the caps because having the elevated people wearing caps would give off the impression that older and more educated individuals are literally above other individuals. Additionally, not all YSEA members are alumni but rather current Yale students or have another distinction. 

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