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The Shining Star

The Shining Star is a podcast series where we spotlight leaders and innovators in STEM domains! Check out our episodes below.

Podcast List

(To view the full summary for each episode with included links, click on the title of each podcast episode.)

The Future of AI: Where Is It Headed Next?

thumbnail for Stephen Plume podcast
The Shining Star
The Future of AI: Where Is It Headed Next?

Published August 10, 2021 – In this podcast episode, we talk to Stephen Plume, the managing director of The Entrepreneurs Fund (a tech venture capitalist company), about the history, challenges, and trends in AI! Some fun topics discussed: Moore’s Law, the challenges that come with black box algorithms, the application of AI in oil drilling …

A Conversation with a Superstar in Digital Healthcare: Ellen Su

thumbnail for Ellen Su podcast
The Shining Star
A Conversation with a Superstar in Digital Healthcare: Ellen Su

Published August 4, 2021 – Ellen Su, Chief Product Officer at Wellinks, Inc.,  is impacting millions of people’s lives with digital breakthroughs in healthcare. We talked about her journey as a female entrepreneur on fundraising, building, and running a company as well as future trends in the digital health and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease …

Saving the Planet through Climate Accounting

thumbnail for Martin Wainstein podcast
The Shining Star
Saving the Planet through Climate Accounting

Published March 3, 2021 – Yale Science & Engineering Association had the pleasure of chatting with Martin Wainstein, the co-founder of Open Earth Foundation, a nonprofit that uses cutting-edge digital technologies and multi-stakeholder collaborations to advance open-source platforms in order to help increase planetary resilience. Visit for more information!