In 2023, YSEA conceived the idea of a podcast series on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Yale. For the first set of podcasts, YSEA enlisted summer intern Jessica Yu (YC’26) to identify and interview Yale alumni, faculty, administrators, and students who are actively involved in innovation and entrepreneurship on campus, in New Haven, and around the world. Through the interviews Jessica delves into the background of each person, learns what drives them, and how they navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.
Podcast List
Episode 5: A Conversation with Yale Entrepreneurial Society President Seth Goldin

– Published Feb. 26, 2023 Seth Goldin is a sophomore studying CS & Global Affairs at Yale, where he runs Yale Entrepreneurial Society and helps captain club running. We talk about the myriad of ways that Yale Entrepreneurial Society (YES) supports and connects the community of builders at Yale, including their new INSPIRE speaker series …
Episode 4: Balancing Beakers and Business: Navigating Being a Scientist and Entrepreneur with Ranjit Bindra

– Published Feb. 12, 2023 Dr. Ranjit Bindra is a physician-scientist at the Yale School of Medicine, the Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Therapeutic Radiology, and the Scientific Director of the Yale Brain Tumor Center. Clinically, he treats adult and pediatric primary CNS cancers, as well as brain metastases using radiosurgery. As an active …
Episode 3: Unlocking Innovation: Inside Yale Ventures and the Rise of New Haven’s Startup Scene with Josh Geballe

– Published Jan. 29, 2023 In this episode, we talk to Josh Geballe, the Senior Associate Provost for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Yale University. He is responsible for a wide range of services for students, faculty and the broader New Haven community, establishing partnerships to expand the impact of Yale discoveries, and growing the New …
Episode 2: A Conversation with Anurag Rathore, Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

– Pubished Jan. 15, 2023 In this podcast episode, we talk to Anurag S. Rathore, an Institute Chair Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. He is also the Coordinator for the DBT COE for Biopharmaceutical Technology. His previous roles included management positions at Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, California …
Episode 1: From Student Project to Digital Health Superstar: Ellen Su

– Published Jan. 1, 2023 In this podcast episode, we talk to Ellen Su, the Chief Product Officer at Wellinks, a digital health company improving care for patients with chronic respiratory conditions. Ellen thrives at the intersection of software, services, and user experience, and focuses on translating high level business strategy into user-first product design …