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Individual and Group Grants

YSEA gives out grants every year to support undergraduates in their STEM-related endeavors. Our two main types of grants are individual grants and group grants. Individual grants are intended to fund a research project undertaken by a single student working with a faculty supervisor. Group grants, on the other hand, are intended to fund a project undertaken by a group of students working under a faculty supervisor, such as those sponsored by Yale student organizations.

The individual and group grants are intended to fund a project that has specific objectives and can be completed within a year. In all cases, the work must be performed under the supervision of a member of the Yale faculty.

Note that if your grant application is not initially accepted, we will work with you to help bring the application up to our standards!

Another thing to keep in mind is that we accept all well-written and compelling grants! Email for grant writing support.

Grant recipients are expected to submit a report to the YSEA Undergraduate Grants Committee at the conclusion of the project. We generally ask that these submittals be suitable for publication in the Yale Scientific Magazine or the YSEA website. Note that eligibility for future grant funding is contingent on receipt of a summary at the conclusion of the project for each grant received.

Grant recipients are also expected to maintain records supporting the use of funds and may be required to provide reports of supported activities.

How Do I Apply?

When Should I Apply?

Is There a List of Past Projects That I Can Look at?

Eligibility Criteria

What If I Don’t Fit within the Eligibility Criteria?

When Can I Expect to Hear Back from the YSEA Grants Committee?

Some Words from Our Past Grantees

“YSEA is a great community to have behind you.” – Keshav Raghavan

“YSEA is unique in that it is one of the only organizations that funds projects.” – Emily Xu

“With alumni, if an applicant is excited about their project, that’s more important than why a very expensive piece is fundamental to the project.” – Ian Denzer

“Always always don’t be afraid to ask questions.” – Cage Cochran

“My advice for prospective applicants is to be sure to work with the mentor of your project… This can be extremely helpful, both in terms of learning the basics of grant writing, but in securing the YSEA grant.” – Justin Nguyen


Have a purposeful itemized budget, keep on fighting, and have the attitude of pushing through the occasional failure. Talk to people from YSEA. – Keshav Raghavan

Don’t get too caught up in technical details. Make sure to include a lot of background information. Justify expenses on the budget. – Ian Denzer

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Get feedback from your supervisor and formulate your own ideas about the project instead of just regurgitating information. – Cage Cochran

If you have any questions, reach out to us at!